Short list to update You on what I’ve been up to. Either way, new builds will keep releasing so that’s good! Skills & Commissions Current…
This is a gallery of some of the many interiors I did for the ModernCraft marketplace project. More on the project and build gallery in…
ModernCraft is a project by multiple builders making a coastal city. There are multiple districts in different styles (No surprise, I am in charge of…
For most of these, nothing remains, not even a screenshot, but the hint of nostalgia is equally long gone. My first single-player city: Memento mori…
Cover image: scale model. Everything was built by hand (shock), and very simple with no depth, realism or detail. Unique and fun! Notice my bad…
NEW FOR 1.21: Check out the modern Flashback Mod! Installing For a server-side Replay Mod check SReplay or thecolonel63’s recorder in your own time (Fabric…
Skyscrapers are impressive, but even more so if you build them in survival Minecraft. Here are some tips and ways to speed up the process…
Do NOT build the theme This one is important! If you want to win, remember to not build exactly what the theme is asking for….
Chunky “Introduction” series Chunky troubleshooting help
Floppy Minecraft AKA “Bad Minecraft” made by coder Steven. There’s gravity and realistic physics, and a gun craftable from 1 diamond… Everything seems fine. There’s…
Post re-written 2024. Added demo links, removed depreciated plugins, added new ones. These plugins allow you to view your Minecraft world from above in various…
Since a few days ago, when you first enter the Minecraft launcher, two Allays will spin around the loading icon. They will disappear into the…
This massive city was build by a few friends and shared online by Russian player SkyBuilder. It was built with Cubic Chunks – this mod…
1. MAIN FEATURES | 2. OTHER FEATURES | 3. PURCHASE | 4. FREE ARCEON | 5. SINGLE-PLAYER This is a PAID plugin, but you can…
BrickCraft promises to bring back “memories of our childhoods into Minecraft”. And what can I say, it delivers and does so beautifully, so long as…
I don’t play on the newest versions so I didn’t notice at first. However, a major change in update 1.19.3 has been the complete re-organization…