Minecraft with GUNS? Examples..
Floppy Minecraft
AKA “Bad Minecraft” made by coder Steven. There’s gravity and realistic physics, and a gun craftable from 1 diamond… Everything seems fine. There’s random terrain generation, a day-night cycle and zombies. The game is released free to download in the link below, and a fun way to pass a few minutes.
Ace Of Spades
Free FPS game developed in 2011 by Ben Aksoy featuring destructible blocky terrain and modes like deathmatch and CTF. You get to choose from an SMG, rifle and shotgun, as well as build with blocks, mine with a spade and throw grenades. The concept is simple enough.
In 2012 the game was aquired by developer studio Jagex and re-released with updated content, DLCs and a price tag. That version was unpopular, entered a downward spiral, and eventually closed. But the great original game is available free with dedicated player-hosted servers at buildandshoot.com
Update March 2023: The cross-over is real, aloha.pk Ace Of Spades community opened a MC server!
Apply to play on the AlohaCraft server today! – Welcome / Curated News – aloha.pk community
Born To Build
This game is currently in early development by a small team, based on the original Ace Of Spades. There are frequent devlog updates on Discord and YouTube. The blocky military aesthetic is seen throughout every part of the game, videos and website. The game is a part-time project and will release free.
- Born To Build | Free Multiplayer FPS (playborntobuild.com)
- Why we’re developing a free multi-player FPS game | Devlog 01 – YouTube
Cobalt WASD
Cobalt is a 2016 side-scolling shooter published by Mojang, the makers of Minecraft. Cobalt “WASD” is a simplified and free-to-play version of Cobalt. Two teams battle to reach an objective, and players can use and upgrade weapons, vehicles and armor. The game was described as a “2D version of Call Of Duty’s Search And Destroy”. The game is available to buy on steam.
0x10c by Notch
This space themed sandbox was developed by Notch in 2012 and never finished. It features a “working emulated 16-bit processor inside the game”, lazer guns and space exploration. The game lacks features but was worth mentioning because 1. Notch and 2. Lazer guns. A beta version of the game is archived here: 0x10c : Mojang : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
7 Days To Die
(And similar games)
While not blocky, 7D2D features zombie survival with sandbox elements. Mine resources, craft and upgrade parts to build your base, and shoot anything in your way – there are no friends in this post-apocalyptic wild. There is an open-world map, multiplayer mode and vehicles. 7D2D is highly rated but has been in early access development since 2013. The game is available to buy on Steam.
Minecraft mods
Many mods and data packs exist that add new types of TNT, melee weapons, guns and rifles, disasters, tanks and similar.. A quick internet search will quickly show you a multitude of examples.
I can confirm first hand: This shooter game revives the likes of Ace Of Spades and brings back the fun to shooters with modern mechanics, a friendly community and blocky aesthetic. Specifically, there is a “Voxel Trench” game mode/server, according to this post: So the “minecraft with guns” have the actual Minecraft game mode and no one told me? : BattleBitRemastered (reddit.com)
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