Turn your world into LEGO: BrickCraft (Review)
BrickCraft promises to bring back “memories of our childhoods into Minecraft”. And what can I say, it delivers and does so beautifully, so long as your PC can handle the strain! Take a look at the screenshots here and on the official website and decide for yourself.
“Brickcraft is an accurate recreation of the bricks we all play with in our childhoods in Minecraft Java Edition. Our goal is to recreate every block as a brick. Making our beautiful worlds feel even more like a brick world! Brickcraft even works in Vanilla Minecraft without Mods.”
Get the pack at brickcraft.de
Test run
I tried the texturepack myself – and let’s say it didn’t go too well. I didn’t get to see much, let alone play the game, when Minecraft was freezing for multiple seconds at a time. I got to walk a few blocks, look around and take a few screenshots. Even with my shaders off the lag persisted (yes I had shaders ON when I first tried the pack).
This was using the less detailed, free-to-try version of the pack on an average PC. So if you’re going to use this, be warned you’ll prefer to use this on a beefy computer! But it is beautiful a pack.

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