Minecraft has the ever changing yellow splash texts in the main menu. This blog is for Minecraft. Now combine the two together, and you get……
After hours of work over several days, I had fully drained an ocean monument, including the inside, and the land around it (100×100 blocks area…
The lone survivor stumbles into the ruined temple. Before him, an altar stands lit up by boiling lava. Nature struggles through every crack. Dried blood…
A small build done in 30 minutes or so. Modern living room and kitchen combined. Furnished with cupboards and a bar, a sofa and fireplace,…
Today (17th Feb 2022) marks the release of the first official snapshot for Minecraft 1.19, AKA the Wild Update! From the Minecraft Wiki, it promises…
Tiny render distance World edit commands The WORLD EDIT GUI mod is incredibly useful for two reasons. One, it physically shows you the outlines of…
Sethome trick on servers On survival or factions servers, there’s a trick that might allow you to get into somebody’s base. Use at your own…
This has to be the simplest possible TNT cannon you can build in the game! It’s definitely nothing fancy and has a short range, but…
This is a quick look at the limited time CHRISTMAS MAP on the Minecraft PS3 tumble mini game! I’m leaving this here for reference, and…
December post for the connoisseur of Minecraft content. Just some holiday fun and a special feature! Look out for more short-form, video or NEWSLETTER content…
I tried the BETA 1.7 version of Minecraft from June 30 2011, which offers only the very basics of the modern game! It was an…
Skyblock personal island Cosy island with the spawn and portals above, and minion farms near the bottom of the world. /visit auocado Housing – peaceful…
November newsletter with random thoughts and findings. May or may not be updated. Zombie spawner and farm A bit on mob farms (may be extended…
Another small creative project on PS3 Minecraft, in survival mode! Done in the same world as the previous Halloween build. This is a cathedral I…
Above in the header image is a small Minecraft build for Halloween / All Souls day. On the left is a pixel art pumpkin carved…
“The House of Soviets is an unfinished building in the city of Kaliningrad. The local people often refer to it as the “buried robot” because its appearance resembles the head of a…