Modern home interior [quick build #1]
A small build done in 30 minutes or so. Modern living room and kitchen combined. Furnished with cupboards and a bar, a sofa and fireplace, and a pool table on the elevated part of the room. One wall is covered in glass, with a view to a pool. The pool is really simple and used as a background filler. The room is finished with lights (end rods), paintings, and plant pots as cups (I could have used turtle eggs etc).
This was built with 1.16.5 blocks, I’m trying to incorporate blocks from new versions into my builds. There are so many new choices, textures and possibilities now, it would be a shame to not try.
How it was done – I world edited a large quartz cube with the //walls command, and split it in the middle to make the house and pool. I added a floor and ceiling and decorated the house, and made a quick pool outside the window as a background view. I focused 100% on the interior on this build.
Also see Lost ancient temple [quick build #2] – PREMIUM MINECRAFT BLOG
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