Minecraft’s major unofficial Communities and Websites
It’s Mojang’s job to keep its list of official Minecraft websites, but the community has so much beyond that to offer! From forums to chat rooms, wikis, build stores and fan sites much like the blog you’re on, there’s something for everyone. This is an overview of the biggest such places (Comment your own).
May be outdated. See Minecraft.Net for official sites: Official Minecraft Sites | Minecraft Help

Twitter and subreddits
On Twitter, official accounts to follow are Mojang and Minecraft for general updates and releases. Mojang Support for game help. Mojang Status for updates to Realms, game servers, etc. And the 4J Studios account for pocket edition and console. On Reddit:
Major generic subreddits:
- Minecraft on reddit
- Minecraft Realms on Reddit
- MinecraftMemes (reddit.com)
- Minecraft’s Suggestion Box (reddit.com) (officially supported)
- Minecraft Help (reddit.com)
- Minecraft Seeds (reddit.com)
- MCServers: The Original Minecraft Server List (reddit.com)
Version specific subreddits:
- Everything Minecraft (reddit.com) (Less restrictive r/Minecraft)
- The Alternative Minecraft Subreddit (Less restrictive r/Minecraft)
- Golden Age Minecraft (reddit.com) (until release 1.2.5)
- SilverAgeMinecraft (reddit.com) (pre combat update 1.9)
Creative building niches:
- MinecraftLandscaping (reddit.com)
- Minecraft Realism (reddit.com)
- Minecraft Cities, it’s in the name! (reddit.com)
- Tinycraft (reddit.com)
- DetailCraft: Minecraft for the detail oriented (reddit.com)
Redstone and commands:
Skins and other tools
NameMC allows you to look up any player’s name or skin, and their history. Popular skin editing and sharing web sites include. The Nova skin editor, minecraftskins.net, or the well known Skindex.
Planet Minecraft has many useful tools, including their own skin editor, PMC Skin 3D. There’s also a Banner Editor and Paper Craft maker on the web site (which turns any user’s skin into a print able template!).
The Planet Minecraft time machine allows you to browse any map or submission from the site as far back as 2010! There’s also a basic chat for the community, as well as building, skin making and writing contests.

Modding and servers
Popular server lists include Planet Minecraft, minecraft-server-list.com, minecraftservers.org or minecraft-mp.com web sites.
Curse Forge has extensive listings of mod packs and plugins [Use Modrinth]. Server developers can also check Bukkit and Spigot for server software, mods, forums and other useful guides and resources.
Aternos provides very basic but completely free Minecraft servers. I’ve tried them in the past and can say they’re fully legit! Although their servers will quickly shut down when no one is playing.
Modded MC is the unofficial modding community on Discord. Many Discords exist, with the official Minecraft Discord having OVER 1M members in one. Finally, the website and movement Stop Mod Reposts offers resources to combat the unfair copying and malicious use of your mods.
Forums and fan sites
Minecraft Forum is the biggest forum for discussing anything you can think of! The Official Minecraft Wiki is the online encyclopedia for the game with info, stats, tutorials and more. And Empire Minecraft hosts a network of forums and Minecraft servers for its community to enjoy.
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