Chunky “Introduction” series Chunky troubleshooting help
Is this reality… or are we in an ultra-realistic Minecraft world?.. In creative mode, most players stick to making elaborate castles and fantasy structures. But…
NEW FOR 1.21: Check out the modern Flashback Mod! Installing For a server-side Replay Mod check SReplay or thecolonel63’s recorder in your own time (Fabric…
Skyscrapers are impressive, but even more so if you build them in survival Minecraft. Here are some tips and ways to speed up the process…
Chunky “Introduction” series Chunky troubleshooting help
Post re-written 2024. Added demo links, removed depreciated plugins, added new ones. These plugins allow you to view your Minecraft world from above in various…
How you present your Minecraft build matters. Step up your professionalism using Chunky. A good render can improve any build – but don’t overdo it…
I came across a 7 year old thread on Reddit that still holds up. Two commenters very clearly and concisely explains how to get and…
Here is a step-by-step introduction to World Edit rotation, specifically how to rotate and tilt buildings. It was inspired by a popular “abandoned city” post…
This is an old design I created on my own, for a simple redstone machine to add to your enderman XP farm. The machine will…
The architecture of your first Minecraft base is… probably not much. A dirt and wood hut thrown together in the last minute before sundown. A…
Minecraft has long gone past the days of a simple place-and-break-blocks sandbox in your browser. The modern Minecraft website and launcher show no signs of…
The debug stick is a tool that comes default with Minecraft Java, allowing players to manipulate blocks in their world. Specifically, the stick changes “block…
After hours of work over several days, I had fully drained an ocean monument, including the inside, and the land around it (100×100 blocks area…
This has to be the simplest possible TNT cannon you can build in the game! It’s definitely nothing fancy and has a short range, but…
UPDATE: Architecture/city building Inspiration 2024 [200+ links] – PREMIUM MINECRAFT BLOG This post offers some inspiration for city builders from real life buildings that look…