CHUNKY – “Missing assets directory in resource pack” (Error 2)
What this error means
Your texture pack is zipped wrong. In more detail:
Minecraft texture packs are structured in folders. Texture images are found here: assets/minecraft/textures
Chunky is looking for the “assets” folder inside the top-most level of the ZIP file. That means if the assets folder is hidden within a second folder (i.e. texture pack was zipped wrong adding a second layer), you get the error. Instead of “Texturepack.zip” containing “assets”, it contains “Texturepack/assets” because you zipped the files in the wrong place, by selecting a whole texture folder and not the “assets” directly.
How to easily fix
- Unzip resource pack.
- Look inside for the “assets” folder, alongside the pack icon and mcmeta files.
- Select them, right click and “Send to: compressed ZIP folder”.
- The new ZIP file was made correctly and can be read by Chunky. (Previously, you had likely created a ZIP by selecting the entire texture folder instead of the “assets” files directly).
Chunky “Introduction” series
- CHUNKY Tutorial – Start to end text-based introduction to rendering – PREMIUM MINECRAFT BLOG
- CHUNKY Tutorial – Introduction to the animated renders plugin – PREMIUM MINECRAFT BLOG
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