Build highlight: UEA campus recreation
The University of East Anglia is a major university in Norwich, east UK. The Minecraft project closed early 2021, but I was lucky to witness the last ongoing work by UEA students while the server was active.
The Minecraft recreation of the University was started by a group of its students and dubbed “Campus Craft”. They used extensive plans and blueprints to remake the inside and outside accurately. Multiple buildings were built though never finished. The project received substantial local news coverage, such as by the university and the BBC:
- Students recreate UEA campus on Minecraft – About
- University of East Anglia recreated on Minecraft during lockdown – BBC News
I had contributed the Tatlin Monument to the UEA project, although it was too late to add it. In a seperate project of my own, I had recreated the nearby Norwich City Hall. Builds like these stand out as very little in Norwich has actually been expressed through Minecraft as far as I’m aware:
- TATLIN TOWER – Minecraft replica of the monument – Premium Minecraft Blog
- NORWICH CITY HALL – detailed Minecraft replica – Premium Minecraft Blog

UEA campus recreation
The project was started during lockdown by a group of 4 students. The server they were building on hosted the main creative world for the university, a survival world and weekly minigames. The games were many and random – I myself had participated in an ice boat race and the final game, a quiz.
The server had paid ranks that gave visitors extra privilidges like elytras and full access to the build. All websites/social media for CampusCraft are down, but the Discord is up with all download links of the last worlds from February 2021. The links are provided below for archival. Let us enjoy the work!
More info from a newspaper:
“The students have built iconic locations like the Ziggurat accommodation, main square, LCR music venue, uea(su), library and teaching wall. [They] had to use the help of other students, staff and alumni who’ve provided photos – there’s been lots of reminiscing!”
World downloads
(Source: CampusCraftUK on Planet Minecraft + inaccessible project Discord)
- UEA campus: UEAWorld.rar – Google Drive
- Creative world: CreativeWorld.rar – Google Drive
- Survival world: SurvivalWorld.rar – Google Drive
If the command blocks do not work, you may need to Open To LAN and Allow Cheats.
Spawn (main square) co-ords: 242, 36, -125
CAMPUSCRAFT DISCORD: https://discord.gg/u39sjyDMwj
UPDATE: You can find a mirror of the UEA floor-plans ZIP in the #inspo-dump channel in my Discord.
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