People who reached the FAR LANDS in Minecraft [OLD VERSION]
\/ \/ \/ GO HERE \/ \/ \/
- The Far Lands Walkers 1 | Rules and Definitions [List in Part 2] – Premium Minecraft Blog
- The Far Lands Walkers 2 | COMPLETE LIST 2023 [30+ players] – Premium Minecraft Blog
^^^GO HERE^^^
The following post is not up to standard and contains outdated information
The far lands are 12 MILLION blocks out (12,550,821) and cannot realistically be reached without cheating by any sane person. But people are trying and have done it.
The far lands were caused by a world generation bug in InfDev (the update that added “infinite” world size). The world generation breaks down the further you go from spawn, creating lag and glitched terrain such as the infamous far lands. They were removed after Beta 1.7.3 on 12th September 2011.
The players mentioned below use Minecraft Beta 1.7.3.
Reached the farlands in 9 months (September 2019 – June 2020 (9 months)
He dedicated himself full time to the task and was the first to reach the far lands legitimately. Upon arrival, a $10,000 donation was awarded to him by Notch for his efforts.
Far Lands or Bust with KurtJMac (WIP)
Ongoing, 6+ million blocks out (Walking since 2011)
Unlike KilloCrazyMan, KurtJMac walks an hour or so a week in his spare time. He keeps a pet dog and stops to mine out and build monuments at major milestones. He streams his walk live on Twitch.
The whole series seems to have started out as a normal Minecraft let’s play. In episode 1, KurtJMac explains what Minecraft is, gathers basic resources and mentions he “shouldn’t wander too far out” of spawn in case he dies. If only he knew just how far out he’d wander out…
- Far Lands or Bust with KurtJMac – YouTube
- Far Lands or Bust – Wikipedia
- One Minecraft player’s ten-year journey to the Far Lands | PCGamesN
- Minecraft Far Lands or Bust – Episode #001 – The First Day – YouTube

NEW: /u/EnderShower
Just in time for the end of the year, Reddit user /u/EnderShower has shared his successful end of their Far Lands journey on 30th December 2022. He published the whole walk in a series of 793 videos! Well done.
- 엔샤 – YouTube (Channel)
- 머나먼 땅, 파랜드 – YouTube (Playlist)
- I just finished my journey to far lands. this took 2 years, 3 months, and 10 days. GG! : Minecraft (reddit.com)
NEW: Farfadox (WIP)
This Argentinian popular Minecraft player aims to reach the far lands by the end of 2023. He streams the journey online. So far he has reached 150K blocks in January 2023 and 2,1M blocks in August 2023, making his predictions too ambitious.
Since I do not know Spanish, according to the commenter below, “He also is the first Spanish speaker to make a Netherite Beacon at the maximum level (He mined 5904 blocks of Ancient Debris on an SMP). This took him half a year and he achieved the title “Netherite Knight””
- FarfadoxVEVO – Twitch (Full streams)
- VOY A VIAJAR A LAS FAR LANDS 🗻 – YouTube (YouTube)
- Conteiner de Farfadox – YouTube (Stream archive)
This second Spanish player has reached the far lands using Nether portals and elytra flight on the Nether roof accessed through an ender pearl glitch (Since 1 block in the overworld is 8 blocks in the Nether). The commenter below assures us of the technical feats of this player (though I cannot verify the claims):
“Take note that this series is super technical, him being the first person to mine and OBTAIN the bedrock block on survival Single-player and obtain all the “illegal blocks” (End portal, End portal frame, Monster Spawner, Barrier block, Command block (he can’t use since he’s on survival), Chain Cmd block, Repeating Cmd block, Structure block, Structure void, End gateway, Block 36, Farmland, Grass path, Chorus Plant, Stone monster egg), and created the biggest gold farm ever that he called “Orogeddon””
- Survival 1.12 Ep166, PORTAL A LAS FARLANDS – YouTube (55:20 portal – 57:30 border)
- ElRichMC – Twitch (Streams)
More players
Summary from a well researched anonymous commenter: (I might do a proper write up in a future update)
There are 6 people who reached the farlands as of right now. They are in order as follows:
eckwall (controversial bc he spawned in items)
Figonometry (corner)
MysticalMidget (he reached the 32m world limit)
Here’s some people who are currently active as of today:
Kurtjmac (ofc) – 7.39m
Sav – 5.07m
Beamof4 – 4.02m (corner)
celestialgaze – 3.53m
fastkid542 – 2.68m
It only takes a bit of digging and searching through youtube where you can find youtubers who are walking that you have never heard of. So many other youtubers ... inexplicably went inactive. To summarize, there’s quite the large range of youtubers buried from the casual observer ... However, most of these channels on youtube have either given up, or not walked very far.
Oh and also not only did MysticalMidget walk to the regular farlands and the 32m world limit, but he’s also walking to the corner farlands and is at 6.47m.
Cheating the far lands
Commands that would allow you to teleport to the far lands were NOT available while the far lands existed. However, a multiplayer server on beta 1.7.3 allows access to the teleport command to get there. It is recommended to go NEAR the far lands first to prevent the massive lag spike at the far lands.
- /tp 12550800 or -12550800
Programs such as the MCEdit world editor can be used to modify the coordinates of a player.
The level.dat file is created for every world and defines things like player coordinates, weather, time and world name. You can use a text editor like Notepad++ to change your location to near the far lands.
There are mods that add the far lands back to newer versions of Minecraft (after Beta 1.7.3).
Tutorials/Far Lands – Minecraft Wiki (fandom.com)
Recreating the Far Lands – Discussion – Minecraft: Java Edition – Minecraft Forum – Minecraft Forum
There are 6 people who reached the farlands as of right now. They are in order as follows:
eckwall (controversial bc he spawned in items)
Figonometry (corner)
MysticalMidget (he reached the 32m world limit)
Here’s some people who are currently active as of today:
Kurtjmac (ofc) – 7.39m
Sav – 5.07m
Beamof4 – 4.02m (corner)
celestialgaze – 3.53m
fastkid542 – 2.68m
hope this helps :p
Not sure where you source all this, but I’m impressed, will add your comment in as general info :p
You can look it up yourself lol, it only takes a bit of digging and searching through youtube where you can find youtubers who are walking that you have never heard of. There are so many other youtubers that I “discovered” to have walked millions of blocks that I didn’t even put on that list because they inexplicably went inactive. To summarize, there’s quite the large range of youtubers buried from the casual observer that the list can go on for quite a while. However, most of these channels on youtube have either given up, or not walked very far.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk lol
Oh and also not only did MysticalMidget walk to the regular farlands and the 32m world limit, but he’s also walking to the corner farlands and is at 6.47m.
Also Farfadox completes 17% of its journey to the FarfaLands
ElRichMC reached farlands using a nether portal on his survival 1.12 series
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faOchIYxjiM minute 55:20
Take note that this series are super technical being him the first person to mine and OBTAIN the bedrock block on Survival Singleplayer and obtain all the “illegal blocks” (End portal and End portal frame, Monster Spawner, Barrier block, Chain Command block, Repeating, Command block, Structure_block, Command block that he can’t use since he’s on survival, Structure_void, End_gateway, Block 36, Farmland ,Grass path, Chorus Plant, Stone monster egg) and the biggest gold farm ever created that he called “Orogeddon”
Spanish YouTuber, I will check it out as soon as I can and do a proper update to the post with new links 🙂
Farfadox a Argentinian Youtuber and Streamer is actually making a series of going to the farlands on survival.
He predicts that he’s going to reach it at the end of 2023
Right now he’s on stream and already reached 150k on the X coordinate
He also is the first spanish speaker to make a Netherite Beacon at the maximun level (He mined 5904 blocks of Ancient Debris on a SMP) this took him half a year and achived the title “Netherite Knight”
This is good info thanks, added to post!