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Coding nifty item/block/skin viewers and Beyond (Schematic converter)

3D renderers, pandas, explosions and schematic version downgraders?! Here are a few technical Minecraft tools (in which case the cover image IS somehow related, read on!)


I was browsing the new Minecraft.Wiki and clicked one of the thousands of 3D block renders to find a person or source. I was curious. Eventually, that led me to find user Urushibara, who posted multiple neat 3D viewer/renderer tools on the code hosting/testing site Code Pen. These include:

Nifty code tools minecaft render converters


On a personal note, I’ve been collabing with a dev on a slow little side project, a schematic downgrader supporting 1.21.4 – 1.0 release. Yep, imagine converting a 1.21 build into the first ever 1.0 MC release.

I’ve finally forced myself to finish all ~1000 block conversions, now it’s on him to figure out black swapping and schematic conversion!

Essentially, I went version by version gathering every new block, then went from the most recent version listing block-swaps that would work and look good on a lower version. I then went over the list a second time to mark blocks that would change blockstates upon downgrading, which should help automate the process of dealing with the [facing=east] etc. Note that prior to 1.13, all IDs were converted to numeric!

Furthermore, there is a separate list offering breakable block conversions – ex: The main list would replace sea kelp with warped fence or mossy wall, but the breakable conversion would be to grass (which requires tick freeze like the stoplag feature from WorldGuard or similar capabilities found on creative servers.)


# 1.21.4 -> 1.21
creaking_heart* reinforced_deepslate
eyeblossom* wither_rose
pale_hanging_moss vines
pale_moss_carpet moss_carpet
pale_oak_leaves mangrove_leaves
pale_oak_log cherry_log
pale_oak_planks cherry_planks
pale_oak_sapling dark_oak_sapling
resin_clump glow_lichen
resin_block waxed_copper_block
resin_bricks waxed_chiseled_copper

. . .

# 1.10 -> 1.9
minecraft:bone_block* 216 155
minecraft:magma_block* 213 89
minecraft:nether_wart_block 214 87
minecraft:red_nether_bricks 215 112
minecraft:structure_void* 217 166


I used Blender to stitch together 7 parts of a 1700-block tall Sky Mile Tower! Info & Download here.

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