Random tips for the enjoyer of Minecraft builds: Layout, planning, inspiration, texturing and detailing! These notes are inspired by builder jea, who did a great…
JAVA ONLY! For Bedrock, you should be able to use these Bedrock Wiki pages to piece together an equivalent in the Bedrock json files: Intro…
I searched the internet and found years worth of old threads talking about mcpatcher, the unfavorable optifine and more. The solution was simple: A quick…
I’m currently in a skyscraper mood, as proven by these recent projects. Who am I kidding, I’m always in the mood for a good skyscraper….
Here’s the usual collection of interesting links, facts and trivia for the Minecraft enthusiast. For builders, explorers and artists. Search for previous Weekly Newsletters for…
So basically these “weekly” newsletters happen every time I gather a few random interesting links. Which isn’t weekly at all, ha! We’re back again with…
Short post since there’s a video to explain it all: I recently got inspired by Kane Pixel’s “The Oldest View”. I couldn’t pass up the…
What this error means Your texture pack is zipped wrong. In more detail: Minecraft texture packs are structured in folders. Texture images are found here:…
Is this reality… or are we in an ultra-realistic Minecraft world?.. In creative mode, most players stick to making elaborate castles and fantasy structures. But…
This is a gallery of some of the many interiors I did for the ModernCraft marketplace project. More on the project and build gallery in…
Chunky “Introduction” series Chunky troubleshooting help
BrickCraft promises to bring back “memories of our childhoods into Minecraft”. And what can I say, it delivers and does so beautifully, so long as…
I came across a 7 year old thread on Reddit that still holds up. Two commenters very clearly and concisely explains how to get and…
Kristoffer Zetterstrand painted Minecraft Kristoffer Zetterstand made every single one of the 26 paintings used in the game. He is a surreal experiemental artist and…
Minecraft is both something to make art of – and art itself, as proven everyday by the massive creative community! There’s plenty to explore, watch…
Some random websites and tools relating to Minecraft that I have found or been using! Hopefully you might find these useful or fun. Also search…