Here’s the usual collection of interesting links, facts and trivia for the Minecraft enthusiast. For builders, explorers and artists. Search for previous Weekly Newsletters for…
A builder doing redstone – I have truly gone off the hook. Finally, here’s something proper for the Redstone category on this blog. Bonus points…
This has to be the simplest possible TNT cannon you can build in the game! It’s definitely nothing fancy and has a short range, but…
Highlight of a renowned creator in the Minecraft community! Disco is a former redstone master builder active until late 2014. He had since moved on…
Moving on from the Norwich Project, something different will be posted soon! Behind the scenes road building, a planned skyscraper, etc. I also aim to…
Some tutorial or overview of road building and more is planned. This post is a place holder. Image in the thumbnail (moved here) shows an…
Here you are, sitting at your computer late at night, fingers hurting from clicking. Going through endless amounts of stone and dirt, falling into caves…
When we think of rare ores in Minecraft, we most likely think of diamonds. But actually, redstone is almost just as hard to find… Here…