Minecraft’s cult for GRAVEL AND SAND HATE
What it’s about
People hate sand. And even more so, people hate gravel. It’s justified. And specifically for the purposes of hating these two materials, whole communities (from here on, “cult groups”) have been created. Welcome to the world of /r/F***Sand and /r/F***Gravel. This post is exaggerated for humorous purposes.
“It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.”

Why hate gravel and sand?
- They can fall from above (such as in cave ceilings) and suffocate you and KILL YOU
- They can cave in under you (such as placing a torch on top of hollow sand) and KILL YOU
- Gravel is absolutely useless, except making flint and steel which can burn and KILL YOU
- Sand makes glass and TNT, and TNT and creepers easily break glass and KILL YOU
- They have PHYSICS!!! In Minecraft. Unbelievable.
What can we do about it?
- Blow it up
- Use a superflat world
- Kill it with fire
- Disable block physics
- Complain about it on Reddit (see intro paragraph)
- Do not support the sand and gravel
- Raise awareness that sand gravel bad
COVER IMAGE Minecraft Sand Nature – Free photo on Pixabay
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