![medieval village texture pack ingame](https://premiumminecraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/minecraft-geb381daeb_1280.jpg)
COVER IMAGE Minecraft Video Game Blocks – Free image on Pixabay
World Edit: Irregular selections
This tutorial introduces you to the different selection modes available with World Edit. There’s more to it than the simple and limiting cuboid selection! Use “//sel modes” command ingame to try it yourself.
WorldEdit Basics: Selections – YouTube
World Edit: Making mountains
Introduction to shaping terrain, creating and destroying mountains in World Edit. Various brushes and commands can be used. As promised in the title, the video includes some smooth jazz backing music.
WorldEdit: Make a Mountain (with Smooth Jazz) – YouTube
World Edit: Curving roads
A short but technical Minecraft architecture video by Alpine1. Looking at the design of curving roads in real life, and how you can make your roads turn ingame using cylinders (overlapping circles).
How to build Minecraft Curved Roads – YouTube
Minecraft plugin black market
Talking of plugins, did you know there is a whole black market for paid Minecraft plugins? I felt the need to mention this somewhere since it exists anyway, but I won’t provide any links – support the creators!!
World Edit: Generate command
Here’s something mad from Puntertje: The Egg, Albany, USA Minecraft Map (planetminecraft.com)
“To make this building I’ve used two mathematical formulas in Worldedit //generate commands:
//g -h -c 35 rotate(x,z,-0.33); rotate(z,y,-0.15); data=(y>0?0:8); (y<0?1.9*x^2+4*y^2+(z>0?1.3*z^2:0.78*z^2):1.75*x^2+9*(y+5)^2+(z>0?1.15*z^2:0.7*z^2)) > 43^2 for the top
//g -h -c 251:8 y=y+61; rotate(x,z,1.25); x=x-3; b=0.2; t=1; (y<60?((1.1*y+1)*(t-b)/2+b)^2-0.5*x^2-z^2:0) >= 2 for the bottom part
You can try to make this shape yourself with these commands by making a selection of about 90x60x90 blocks big and running the commands, have fun!”
World Edit: Farms and fields
Making large rular farming fields quickly with World Edit: Lazy Building Tutorials: Farms – YouTube
World Edit: Building trees
Making quick trees with World Edit + FAWE brushes: Lazy Building Tutorials: Easy Trees – YouTube
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